Country Rhythm Preview

The key to becoming a proficient guitar player starts with a solid rhythm base. And while playing lead is always fun and exciting, in reality, you’ll be playing rhythm most of the time. And it can be just as fun and exciting, once you’ve developed these skills.
Rhythm guitar is what sets the harmonic groove for the entire song.
What I’ve done in this course is taken a variety of musical beats and progressions that are common to country, new and old, as well as some rock, rockabilly, swing and ballads. I teach you how to play a vast assortment of solid groove patterns that fit over these beats, and how you can mix them together to come up with some cool grooves of your own.
We’ll be using a lot of techniques that are essential to electric style rhythm such as, muting with both hands, double stops, triple stops, finger rolls, string popping and ghost notes.<P>
Mastering The Fret Board Preview

I’m often surprised by many good guitar players that really don’t know or understand what they are playing. They’ve memorized all these scales and licks, and seam to know their way around the fret board. But when I’m teaching them a lick and say something like ” I’m playing out of this position” or ” I’m going up the scale in 3rds”, they get that deer in the headlight look! They have no idea what I’m talking about. So I put this video together, and totally explain in simple layman’s terms, how I learned, and use intervals and triads to effortlessly work my way up and down the neck.